Custom Doors, Italy

Custom Made

An almost complete customization, for equipment, composition features, dimensions and finishes, accompanies and makes every Rimadesio proposal unique. A choice involving the exclusive relationship with a selected network of local suppliers and a strictly internal management
of the production phase.

"We like to think that the signature Rimadesio style is the exact expression of our way of understanding living interiors: concrete, functional, modern and impeccably stylish"

Every aspect of the Rimadesio reality, from the collection to the materials and finishes, from the production site to the international showrooms, from digital communication to sales tools, is inspired by a common idea of formal quality, made of essentiality, harmony and precision.
The search for consistency in every detail is fundamental to effectively express the corporate identity and therefore all the qualities of the proposal.

Rimadesio produces systems for sub-dividing environments and for the architectural definition of interiors.

Alongside its long-term focus on environmental issues, the company is dedicated to occupational health and safety. Rimadesio has always been committed to creating, maintaining and improving a healthy and safe work environment for its employees and any third parties involved.

Functionality, aesthetics, service: our unique concept of the project comes from the perfect encapsulation
of these three aspects.